(Registered Charity No 1174637)
The aim of the u3a is to help people continue to learn and enjoy life when their more regular working life is over.
We have over 40 interest groups that you can join.
We have a monthly speaker meeting, held on the 1st Thursday of the month. Doors open at 9.30am (coffee available until 10.15am) and the talk begins at 10.30am.
On the third Friday of the month there is a coffee morning especially for new members and existing members to get together, starting at 10.30am to 12.00pm. Group leaders and Committee members attend as well.
We also have various fund raising activities and an active social programme with an event most months.
If you would like more information:
Come along to a monthly speaker meeting
Come along to a coffee morning
NB St Austell u3a is no longer accepting cash, we take card payments and on-line payments. Cheques will still be accepted, but need to handed over in person and not posted.
Email Jenny Skipp, Membership Secretary via the form below.
We meet at the St Austell Arts Centre, Truro Road, St Austell, PL25 5HJ.
Use the form below to contact the Membership Secretary