Social Events

Open to all as we are not a closed group

We have a small sub-committee to organise events and our aim is to arrange one event a month.

We try to make sure we have a variety of events to suit all our members. Some are near to home but where they are further away we usually organise coach travel.

The events are advertised at each meeting in the Arts Theatre where you can buy tickets using a bank card.

Alternatively an email with all the details on is sent out to all members.

Tickets for Social events will always be on sale at Speaker meetings and Coffee mornings at the Arts Theatre. Here you can pay for tickets with a Bank Card. We cannot accept cash.

However, if you are unable to be at the meetings but would still like to buy tickets then please follow these instructions carefully:-

  1. Contact Helen to say you are interested and she will add you to the list.
  2. You can pay by BACS and will need the following information:-
  • Bank account name (for Social Events only) – St Austell U3A  (this is a business account)
  • Sort Code – 20-30-47
  • Account Number – 03844102
  • Reference – Your membership number/s (e.g.6388), event number (e.g.SOC9), g. 6388SOC9 

Your membership numbers are VERY important in order for us to see who has paid and to be able to contact you if there is a problem

  • Please let Helen know when you have paid. 

If you have any ideas of events we could arrange in the future please contact a member of the sub-committee (Helen Neilson, Jean Ash, Hilary Willcox or Freda Donovan) or via the contact form below.

PROVISIONAL Events for 2025

January – Ten Pin Bowling.

February – Bodmin MRF (Materials Recycling Facility).

March – Beetle Drive.

April – Mount Edgecumbe House and grounds*

May – Gweek Seal Sanctuary*

June – Boscastle*

July – Boat Trip*

August (No event)

September – Gardens (e.g. Trebah, Glendurgan)*

October – House of Marbles*

November – Event in the Charlestown Hall

December – Tavistock*

We are happy for you to come to a Coffee Morning or one main Monthly meeting and to attend one individual group event before deciding whether to join St Austell U3A.

Please use the Contact Form below to contat the Social Committee