Travellers’ Tales

GROUP CONVENOR – Sally Haywood

This group meets at St Austell Arts Centre at 2.00pm on the first Friday of the month.

We listen to adventures or travels throughout the world by our members, accompanied by digital photos.

We gather each month to hear travel stories from around the world:-
Most stories are told to us by members who have been on exotic journeys;  New Zealand, Costa Rica, Russia, Himalayas.
Some are stories of the annual U3A trips. Spain, Scotland, Croatia, Yorkshire and even Peru.
Occasionally we have visiting speakers.

2024 Programme

5th January 2024 – Neil Scott “A Saga River Trip down the Danube to Budapest”

2nd February 2024 – Mark Stephenson ” The South Pacific – A journey to Hawaii, Cook Islands, French Polynesia and the Fijian Islands”

1st March 2024 – Roger Jones “Japan”

5th April 2024 – Helen McAndrew Pearson and Richard Pearson “Volunteering in Nepal”

3rd May 2024 – John Husband “Bernese Oberland”

We have had talks on :-

Mark about Dubai to Cape Town, A 30 Day Voyage

   Maryanne about the Antartic.

   Rod about Gdynia and Poland

   Sally about Laos and Singapore and perhaps Santorini

   Neil  another interesting cruise.

Cook Islands
Keith in his Pyjamas Everest Trek
Reed Boat on Lake Titicaca Peru
Henry the Navigator Lisbon Portugal
Energetic event in Cyprus
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Travellers Archives

We are happy for you to come to a Coffee Morning or one main Monthly Meeting and to attend one individual group (with the exception of groups that require pre-booking and ticket purchases) before deciding whether to join St Austell u3a.

Please always contact the group convenor to ensure the session is going ahead.