GROUP CONVENOR – Maryanne Thomas
The group will focus on experiencing Cornish wildlife and flora. This will include visiting locations with species interest such as birds, butterflies, moths, bats, sea life as well as the flora that supports this wildlife. We may get involved in beach cleans, invite speakers on wildlife gardening, environmental issues specific to Cornwall and much more.
Members with a particular interest or species skill are particularly welcomed and invited to share their expertise.
Many activities will include walking sometimes in challenging environments and some at night (bats and moths) but you will be advised in plenty of time.
More details coming soon.
We are happy for you to come to a Coffee Morning or one main Monthly Meeting and to attend one individual group (with the exception of groups that require pre-booking and ticket purchases) before deciding whether to join St Austell u3a.
Please always contact the group convenor to ensure the session is going ahead