The group meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month at St Austell Arts Centre, from 2.00pm – 4.00pm.
This group is aimed at those who enjoy quizzes, taking part by answering the questions set by fellow quizzers!
How it Works
Members take a turn at setting the questions (about 60 is the usual number) and then act as the Quiz Leader each month.
The questions are set in six groups of ten questions. Each group is a different topic e.g. Literature, Science, Current Affairs, Sport, Nature etc.
The group is split into informal teams – e.g. five members to each team according to how many turn up. Each team chooses its own name for the evening.
Refreshments are provided halfway through the session.
The whole afternoon is informal. As a group, we could also take part in quizzes held externally.
We are happy for you to come to a Coffee Morning or one main Monthly Meeting and to attend one individual group (with the exception of groups that require pre-booking and ticket purchases) before deciding whether to join St Austell u3a.